Posts Tagged ‘Palisades’

[COVERAGE] Inaugural BMW E46 M3 East Meet

October 1st, 2018 by Elusive Media

Finally the weather has corroborated with us and the 1st E46M3 meet is in the books! As most shows this summer, weather played a huge part. The first sold out meet was cancelled due to poor conditions, but reschedule for this fall, and it was well worth the wait. With perfect driving weather and temperature, this once again sold out (reserved parking) meet was held out at the Palisades Lookout state park. I’ve never been to this location, but it sits atop massive cliffs that over looks the Hudson River with New York City to your south. I’m not sure of the official number, but e46M3’s were lined up along the old RT9W and there were cars traveling hours away to join in. It was fantastic to see so many different spec’d cars together. Enjoy all the CSL/OEM/modded hotness and see you back here next year!

Date: September 29, 2018
Location: Palisades Interstate Park Commission: State Line Lookout, Alpine, NJ
By: Erik
Gallery Click Here

9th Annual Palisades Meet

December 6th, 2011 by Elusive Media

It’s December and it’s time for the annual Palisades meet, which mostly consists of current and past Lexus owners. No one had an excuse this year to skip out because of weather, with a high of 58F and sunny, could of asked for a better day. It’s been a few years since i’ve attended this meet, but its always a good time to catch up with fellow friends, talk about cars, grab some food and watch some football.

Date: December 4th, 2011
By: Erik
Gallery – Click Here
SlideShow – Click Here









